Today Elizabeth and I gave a lesson on "The Value of Food" at the Oneota Community Co-op in downtown Decorah. Middle schoolers from Decorah Middle School came to tour the co-op, so Elizabeth and I prepared a short talk and food taste test for the students. We spoke to the students about the business model of the co-op and how it differs from a conventional grocery store, the co-op's bulk section, organic foods, local foods, and the phrase "you are what you eat." We sampled organic cheese, fair trade chocolate, whole wheat bread from a local bakery, local black winter radishes, local watermelon winter radishes (which are beautiful, by the way! I didn't get a picture but you should Google it), local apples, locally-made hummus, and organic peanut butter from the bulk section. The students sat in the cafe's eating area and we passed the different foods around the table for them to sample. Once you read my blog below, you will understand how much I love working with enthusiastic middle school students (note the sarcasm). The students acted completely bored and uninterested the entire time Elizabeth and I were talking, but at least the teacher was really nice. There were also a few mentally handicapped students there and they were super excited and so nice! They made the lesson worth teaching. After Elizabeth and I spoke to the students, they got to do a scavenger hunt throughout the co-op and they got some free food. I guess they liked that part.
After the kids left, Elizabeth and I got to eat the leftover food! It was all so delicious, and even better, it was free! I ate so much chocolate I felt sick afterward!
Here is a picture of our food cart and me with the cart of food that we sampled: